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Humanitarian Highlight 2024

Community Food Bank Receives Lion Donation


First year president of the Wood-bury Community Services Council (WCSC), Jeff McKenna and Deirdre Bologna, Food Bank Manager, were invited guests at the Club meeting at 1754 House Inn & Restaurant, November 19th for the Club’s annual donation presentation. Jeff replaced Bob Taylor as president of WCSC, a position he held for 15 years, last November when he retired and moved to Louisiana. Pictured right is Jeff and Deirdre receiving a check for $4,000 as 1st VP, Lion Paul Lu-chetti as Lions Jim Trompeter and Gary Greenstein look on. Jeff ex-pressed gratitude to the Club for the donation speaking aptly; “on behalf of the Community Services Council and all our volunteers, I want to 

thank you for all that you do for us. You are truly a partner to us.” Jeff further stated that this year, at WCSC’s lowest level of service ac-tivity, there were 113 households serviced representing 180 people and at its highest level of service (to date), there were 166 households 

representing 319 people! Currently, 82 seniors (62+) are serviced by WCSC. The 70 people that make up the volunteer staff operate on a ro-tation basis. In addition to food assistance, the WCSC provides en-ergy assistance and crisis assis-tance. In the matter of energy as-sistance, applicants are first re-quired to apply to the CT Energy Assistance Program via the town Municipal Agent. As for crisis as-sistance, requests are vetted on a case-by-case basis. At the conclu-sion of the meeting, Jeff and Deir-dre received a generous contribu-tion of non-perishable items for the food bank from members of the Club. Photo courtesy of Lion Row-land Travis.