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P.O. Box 314 Woodbury, CT 06798

Car Show & Summerfest 2024

The Woodbury Lions 45th Annual Car Show and Summerfest


The Woodbury Lions 45th Annual Car Show and Summerfest were held on June 2nd at Hollow Park. Continuing a feature de-signed to promote a more family-oriented setting, Summerfest was incorpo-rated to provide a festive event for community pa-trons young and old in ad-dition to car enthusiasts. The partly cloudy, mild humidity, low 80’s temper-ature attracted 286 classic cars and a total estimated 1050 patrons of all ages from Woodbury and sur-rounding communities in one of the Club’s primary fund-raising events for the Lions Scholarship Founda-tion. This year’s event was dedicated in memory of the late Lion Chet Gage, a dearly beloved and respect-ed member of the Club for 20 years. Second year event Co-chairs; Lion Pres-ident, Erich Reichert and Lion Cliff Ritter led an over-all good Lion turn-out of approximately 42 Lion members as well as numer-ous community volunteers to bring in a gross, pre-

expense revenue of $25,856! 

An essential component for a successful car show event is sponsor sales. Lion Paul Luchetti and his Lion committee brought in $8251 in row sponsor sales from 33 community establish-ments and approximately 10 donor patrons. The Lions concession stand crew were back this year with skilled Lion grill masters Drew Gwiazdo-ski and Chris Cacciato and raised $2070. New Lion member Megan Ca-hill arranged for 8 tent merchants and two brew-eries: Reverie Brewing Co. and Woodbury Brew-ing Co. bringing in $911. A 50/50 raffle brought in $135. To top things off, DJ Josh Mears of Josh’s DJ Company and a mem-ber of the Wolcott Lions Club, played a great vari-ety of 50’s music through-out the day. 

Also critical to a success-ful event each year is how well we get the word out to the public. Lion Geri Travis and her mar-keting committee of Li-ons promoted a family-oriented event through use of social media Face-book / Instagram and posting of signs. Lion Ed Grudzien led a team of inured judges (including Lion Karl Lindahl from Jerusalem, RI), to select 

the winning show cars for trophies. (the late Lion Chet Gage, who was a co-judge with Lion Ed Grudzien for many years, was sorely missed by all this year.) Lion Presi-dent, Erich Reichert pre-sented the trophies and selected “Best in Show”, a 1931 Chrysler Roadster. 

Congratulations to every-one who participated in this year’s event making it another great year for the Car Show and Sum-merfest. As aptly ex-pressed by Lion Presi-dent, Erich Reichert; “great Club, great team, the car show was a smooth and relaxing event, everyone just showed up and did their thing.” Indeed, it was! The net proceeds of $18,860 will be used to fund the Woodbury Schol-arship Foundation. Job well done everyone!